Brithday Party Of
Aank Al farizi
Invite you in their
Birthday Party On
Brithday Party
Sabtu, 01 Februari 2025
Dresscode : Bebas
Zoi Bar
Best Wishes
Brithday Party
Brithday Party Of
Aank Al farizi
Invite you in their
Birthday Party On
Brithday Party
Sabtu, 01 Februari 2025
Dresscode : Bebas
Zoi Bar
Happy B’day wawak,semoga selalu dlam lindungan Allah,di lancarkan segala urusan nya,dan di murahkan segala rizkinya”Wish u all the best wawak Ku alfa🎂🎂
Happy birthday sehat selalu panjang umur 🩷
Hbdy beb semoga panjang umut sehat selalu lancar semua yg di inginkan🤍 jangan lupa bahagia sellau tetap jadi diri sendiri
happy birthday adekku syg aank alfararizi semoga makin bertambah usia semakin dewasa ,lancar rezeki dan always seperti alfa yg kami kenal we love you ♥️
Best wishes darling
Congratulations for your another year! Be ready for the next adventure that awaits you this year
Happy birthday Aank..murah Rizkih, semakin sukses. di perlancar segala urusan. Aamiin😇
soa kji ne kk😂
Wish you all the best alfa 🤩
Happy Buirthday Manja… sukses, sehat, dan selamat dunia akherat🦋😍
happy bhirtday besty panjang umur sehat selalu ia doa terbaik pokok nya buat kmu 🤲🥂
Happy birtday mbeb aku, semoga sukses dunia akhirat 😘
Happy birthday sayang alfa
Makin heboh iaaa 🤏🥂
Another year older, another year wiser,,May your path be filled with extraordinary experiences and your mind continue to grow with each passing day,,Happy Birthday to one of the most wildest and most fun loving friend I know 🙂
Happy birthday syngkuuu ….
Semoga kedepannya makin suksess yaww
Sehat selalu ya adik ku
Semoga sehat selalu adik ku
Rejeki nya lancar selalu