The Wedding Of
Didi & Romi
06.08.2022 | Bandung
We Found Love
And all of His signs (of greatness) is that He created partners for you from your own kind, so that you would tend to and feel at ease with them, and He created between you love and compassion.
( Ar-Rum 21 )
Bride & Groom
Dian Triani
The Third Daughter of Mrs. Siti Nurbaya and Mr. R Tato Darwanto
Romi Chandra Kusumah
Second Son of Mrs. Rani Kurniasih and Mr. Wistaman Taufik
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
By giving thanks for the goodness of God Almighty and with all humility, without reducing respect. We ask for prayers and blessings from Mr / Ms / Brothers / i to be present on our happy wedding day which will be held on:
Wedding Ceremony
Saturday, 06 August 2022
14.30 WIB
Wedding Reception
Saturday, 06 August 2022
18.00 WIB
Uncle D Space
Jl. Cigadung Raya Barat No.28 A,
Cigadung, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler,
Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40191
Towards Happy Day
Time is changing so fast, in our prayerful waiting, we hope for the presence and blessings of all family, friends and dear brothers, to be witnesses of our sacred vows on this happy day.
In order to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we apply health protocols at our wedding. We hope that you comply with the health protocols for the sake of mutual comfort
Keep The Distance
Keeping each other’s distance
when attending events
No Shaking Hands
Avoid physical contact
without shaking hands
Using Mask
Must use
mask/face shield
Washing hands
Wash hands before
enter the event reception
Help us prepare a warm dinner for all of you by sending a confirmation of attendance via the following form
Wedding Gift
For Family and Friends
who wants to send gifts,
please send it via:
Our Gallery
“I will try to be your perfect life partner even though I am far from perfect, but I will continue to learn to be the best to love, protect, and take care of you for the rest of my life”
Best Wishes
The Wedding Of
Didi & Romi
Sorry if there is an error in writing the name / title
Please send gifts to the following address:
Dian Triani
Jalan Cipandan No.16 RT 008/007 Kel. Sukamaju Kec. Cibeunying Kidul Kota Bandung 40121
Please transfer the prize via
account or wallet number
the following digitals:
Dian Triani
Romi Chandra Kusumah
Previously, we said
Thank you for your attention and your form of love for us
Sygkuu happy wedding! Selamat menempuh ibadah seumur hiduup🥰🥰 maaf gbsa dtg, bahagia selalu yaaa sakinah mawadah warahmah🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Happy wedding day geulisss
Barokah dunia wal akherat
Amin yra 😘
Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together 🍻🖤
Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga menjadi keluarga yang samawa
Happy wedding Bro ! Best pray for you and ur wife
Semoga pernikahannya berkah dan lancar
Semoga menjadi keluarga yang samawa.,
selamat buat romi dan dian semoga kelak menjandi pasangan yg setia sampai akhir hayat dan di beri keturunan yg soleh & solehah,..jangan kasih kendooor🤩🙏🙏🙏
Congrats pak romi. Semoga menjadi keluarga yang bahagia hingga maut memisahkan 🙏🏻
Selamat bergabung di mana masa ujian dan cobaan silih berganti menerpa. 🤣🤣😂😂
Semoga menjadi keluarga yg selalu bahagia
Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk Didi Dan suami ❤️❤️❤️
Selamat Om Rommy n Teh DDI pokoknya SAMAWA yaaaa….
Selamat tehh semoga lancar sampai hari H dan semoga samawa🥰
Lekas Muncul Generasi mbak!🤲
Didi selamat yaaa🥰
Selamat adik kecil🖤🫶🏻
Selamat adik kecil🖤🫶🏻
Selamattt teh diannn samawaaa yaaaa💛💛💛🥰
Mantap yg mau bercocok tanam
Kesayangku merittt nak kecill mau jadi istri org wkwk samawa ya dee😘
ikut berbahagia didikuuu semoga selalu menjadi riang walau udah jadi suami org hehe
Diiii ya Allah gaktau seneng atau sedihh asalkan kamu happy ku turut bersuka cita yaa, samawa!
Im so happy for you semoga langgeng sampe akhir hayat ya geulisssku🤍
Can’t waitt to see you my lil sissyyy😘
Samawa gaess
Lancar selalu yah dian .. bahagia selalu 🥰
Sakinah mawadah warohmah☺
semoga lancar sampe hari h seneng banget sehat sehat ya teh didiw 🤍🤍
Semoga lancar acaranya ya didi dan romi.. bismillah ❤️
Lancar selalu ya didi. Best wishes for you both.. bahagia selalu dan lacar ya. Barakallahu laka wa baraka alaika wa jamaa baynakuma fii khair🖤🖤🖤
Bahagia selalu pkoknya buat didi ❤️
Deeeeee… Aku nangeeesss 😭😭 terharu.. akhirnyaaaaaaa.. Selamat adikku sayang, barakallah, berbahagia selalu 🤗🤗😭😭💛💛
Akhirnyaaa Didiii 😘😘
Semoga lancar sampai hari H aamiin. Sehat terus ya calon manten geuliss. Cant wait hihi 🥰
Semoga dilancarkan segala urusannya ya Dede, Langgeng sampe kakek nenek 😘
Cant’t wait to meet these two adorable lovebirds 🖤
Happy wedding Didi and Romi!
Hope you guys will happy, love, blessed and fulfilling each other until the end of time 🤍
We are very happy that Didi finally found a right guy. Didi just like our lil sis all the time! Note to Romi: Please feed her with lots of foods, snacks, and love ofc hahaha
happy for you bebiiiii, akhirnyaa sampe juga di titik ini 😘😍 sampe ketemu nanti hari H ya beeb 🤗
Lancar ya didio
happy for you di,lancar yah didi smpe hari H smoga jd kluarga yg samawa aminn,see you didi ❤️
Adeek akuu sakinah mawadah warahmah .. happy wedding sayangg.. love Teh Ayu & A Adam
Happy wedding syg, seeyou!🥰