Gwen Tanuwijaya
-minggu, 30 juli 2023-
“Happy birthday to the little star in the family who shines the most. Since you were born, our family has been filled with love and happiness. We will always be faithful to accompany your every development.
Happy birthday my daughter, enjoy the happiness today!”
Gwen Tanuwijaya
is turning one
“We’re very lucky to have a child like you. You grew up to be a loving child and always obeys every command of your parents. Mama and Papa thank you for your presence all this time and your attitude that always amazes us.”
turning one
minggu, 30 juli 2023
Time : 14.00 – 18.00 Noon
restoran kembang
(VIP room)
JL. SM.Raja KM 11 No.329 Medan
Towards Happy Day
Time is changing so fast, in our prayerful waiting, we hope for the presence of all our family, friends and beloved relatives, to be present at our Son’s Birthday event.
Help us prepare a warm dinner for all of you by sending a confirmation of attendance via the following form
Birthday Gift
Bagi Keluarga dan Sahabat
yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah,
silahkan mengirimkannya melalui :
In order to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we apply health protocols at our wedding. We hope that you will comply with the health protocols for the sake of mutual comfort
Keep the distance
Using Mask
No shaking hands
Washing hands
Best Wishes
Gwen Tanuwijaya
Turning One
Kepada Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
Silahkan kirim kado ke alamat berikut :
Gwen Tanuwijaya
jln dahlan tanjung No.4
Silahkan transfer hadiah melalui
nomor rekening maupun dompet
digital berikut :
sisda syahvitri
Sebelumnya, kami ucapkan
terimakasih atas perhatian dan bentuk tanda cinta Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk kami
Selamat ulang tahun ya cucu akong Gwen Tanuwijaya
Mau hadiah apa?
Dedek minta sama mami daddy atau 💵💵 ipo Wwkwkw
HBD gwen, mau req sama mama nya buat sering” post gwen pas lucuu 🤓🤓🤓
Hepii birthday gwen. WUATB and stay cutee!!!! 🥺
Happy birthdayy gwen!! 🎂🎂🥳🥳Semoga makinn pinterrr jadii anak baikkk makinn cantikk jangan bandel kayak bapaknya ya 😌😌 candaa ko 🤣🤣
Mett ultahhh baby gwennn, wish you all the bestttt pokokknya sama moga” makin gemessss
Happy birthdayyyy gwennn ponakann ucullll sekaleeee. Moga” makinn cakeppp aminnnnn makin pinterr makin” dehhhh. See youuuu muahhh 😘😘😘